Thursday, September 24, 2009

what do i exactly want?

i dont want to go. i am not interested. what exactly is it that i want? even i myself has not found the answer yet. i dont know why but i have been hating the life that i am leading now. maybe cos it is monotone, with no excitement and nothing to look forward to except for holidays at the end of the year. that pretty much sums up my outlook of life for now.

this sucks! i dont really hate being a student because i know working life wont be anyhow kinder to me. but i do know is that i dont want to be this powerless, without any control of my life. i cant afford to do certain things because there are many considerations. i need to save up, i need to pay my dad the japan debt but i want a life. gosh! seriously, i am starting to wonder how closet muggers spend their lives. sad, pathetic and pitiful.

give me some fireworks and i will make wonders. if really i have super powers, like flying, so i can go to any part of the world whenever and wherever i like. i dont really mind the ability to control time too. so on sucky bad hair days, i will make my day ends fast and make time crawl when i am enjoying it. let's dream that a superhero kinda accident will happen to me tonight first. so keep daydreaming! it keeps the hope alive. at least i have my bitchy gossip girl new season to keep me accompany on days like this.

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